so here's where I'll start. I've been pondering this for a very long time and pondering will only take you so far. It's time to put these thoughts down to not only sort them out but to also helpfully tell a story. This blog has been used for news and other bits but only as informal posts. My goal with this blog is to really tell the story of the label from both an artist and an owner standpoint and keep everyone (including myself) up to date with all that is happening with our musical experiment on all fronts. If we license a track or sign a new band or get a great little bit of press somewhere, I want to share this experience from all points with you - to enjoy not only the music but to also share in the experience and journey as we build this little label and make these songs our best friends. It might be completely foolish but what better time than now to tell the story of an upstart indie record label in a time when the industry is completely falling to shit? I mean it's completely falling apart and no one can figure out how to keep the sky strung up. It's a brilliant and exciting time to actually care about music and artists. I know this all sounds a bit presumptuous but let's see where it goes. If you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to post them and I'll do my best to respond. Ok, now that we're all here, stay tuned and thanks for sharing.
Josh Preston