MATM Video of the Week (12.22.08)

pigeon horse sex tennis 'bottle of wine' from RadarMusicVideos on Vimeo.

Whoa. Seriously, this is an odd little number but we love the video. We might not be able to watch it more than once or twice ever again, but we love it nonetheless. It's for the song "Bottle of Wine" by Pigeon Horse Sex Tennis (boy, we certainly got our "best band name ever" Christmas present early). Enjoy it if you can!!

MATM Video of the Week (12.15.08)

Damien Jurado, "Caskets" from Thinklab on Vimeo.

This week's video comes to us from Damien Jurado for his tune "Caskets". It's a dark little video but very beautifully shot. We hope you enjoy it!!

:: Damien Jurado - "Caskets" on iTunes ::

Night One and Show One: Check


Wow. It's been a lively 24 hours. We pulled into Huntington around midnight or so I guess. The roads were really starting to get slick but we avoided the bulk of the snow. Ok, boring. Moving on.

Before we left Nashville, Bean and I bought zero-degree sleeping bags for our trip. Very brave and rustic and whatnot, I know. We had this romanticized picture of the trip in our minds of maybe sleeping in the car in a Walmart parking lot and just being hippies and subsist on the granola we bought at Target. Real American Pioneers.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that that probably wouldn't work out given we are in a Toyota. We clearly mismanaged the leg room situation and the sever lack of television. We really gave it a shot though. We managed to find a Walmart after Willis (our GPS thingy) struck out on the first set of directions we plugged in. We got into our sleeping bags and tried like hell to sleep but it simply wasn't happening. Around 2am we peeled our sleeping bags off and hit the Quality Inn down the street which was across the street from two gentlemen's clubs. I had no idea the demand was that high in this down economy.

Let's just say the the word "Quality" in Quality Inn at this particular franchise was nothing short of completely misleading. We ate our vitamins, caught a little Law & Order and slept in our clothes.

Ok, show one is done and we're off to see the town. Thanks to the folks that hung out and listened and we'll see ya in a few hours at Shamrock's Pub up the street.

MATM Artist Pics from Edgehill Studios Cafe (12.10.08)

This post is the first of many posts to come in the next few days. Tomorrow, Friday December 12th, Josh Preston hits the road with Lisa for a string of shows up the coast. Don't forget to check the "Tour" section of and/or and if you're in the vicinity of any of these locations, please pop out and say hello!! MATM would like to extend a special thanks to I Am Pazuzu and Adam Burrows for playing with The New Whole Usuals and Josh Preston at Edgehill Studios Cafe on December 10th. Check out the pictures below!!

Here's a pic of Andrew from The New Whole Usuals parting the seas and blowing the minds of the curious onlookers.

Here's a pic of Josh Preston playing and singing with the laptop firing on all cylinders.

MATM Wire: Nashville and Beyond!

The new MATM Newsletter went out today. If for some reason you are not on the mailing list, we don't want you to miss out! Click below for a link to the full newsletter. And sign up for the mailing list, will ya!

:: MATM Newsletter ::

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MATM Video of the Week (12.08.08)

Empire of the Sun, "Walking On A Dream" from Benjamin Technology on Vimeo.

This week's video is challenging but we submit it for your viewing pleasure regardless. It's by Empire of the Sun for their song “Walking on a Dream”. Enjoy (or not)!

MATM Video of the Week (12.01.08)

Josh Preston - Counting Backwards from meandthemachine on Vimeo.

This week's video was finished about 45 minutes ago!! It's a video compiled by MATM Creative for Josh Preston's song "Counting Backwards" which can be found exclusively on for free download and for purchase in the "Music" section!! Enjoy!!

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