Ok, that's a bit dramatic but somewhat true. I've been in the studio all weekend and it's been really incredible. I almost finished an entire record with Mike Farley. It's about 11 of Farley's tunes recorded acoustically. I love making records. It's a really great learning experience and the process helps me to listen to thing a bit differently. We recorded guitars and lead vocals on Saturday and did extra guitars and backing vocals today. Everything was chugging along swimmingly until the power went out this afternoon when we had just started doing backing vocals on one of the tunes. The computer shut off and when I rebooted it and reopened the track and all of the sound waves in the editing window disappeared. I tried to re-import the .aif files and then Pro Tools wouldn't allow me to save anything. So in the middle of the afternoon I un-installed and then re-installed Pro Tools on my computer. That worked!! This probably sounds boring as shit to many of you and for that I am sorry but it's hard to explain the happiness that washed over me when I realized that my computer didn't die. Indescribable joy.
So yeah, we tracked a bit more and we called it a day. I sent the tracks off and now we'll listen to it for a bit and crank out final edits next weekend. Good times.
So, I was mulling around a bit after I bounced the tracks down and decided to record a new song that I wrote a few weeks ago called "501". I'm really pretty happy with it. The drums sound great and the mix seems really rich and full. I'm sure tomorrow when my ears have rested, I'll probably have to remix the whole thing (I'm probably going to redo the vocals anyway so it's no big deal). Regardless, it's pretty cool and I'm starting to compile a list of songs for my next record.
The week to come will be busy!! If I'm going to make it through, I've really got to crash out.