MATM's Twitter-Style Guide To Twitter

Ok, so we might have gone over 140 characters in a few spots but it's pretty close!! Enjoy and please feel free to comment on the list by sending us a note on Twitter @meandthemachine

Twitter is/does 2 things:
-allows you to broadcast information quickly
-allows you to build relationships

Basic Operations:
-the "@" symbol = directs a tweet to another person, and causes your twitter to save in their "replies" tab. (example. @billyblock Great Show!)
-the "#" sign = mechanism for identifying a topical discussion or search (example. I love @tnwu and @stillhousetn check 'em out!! #musictuesday)
-D = when replying to a tweet, placing a "D" at the beginning of the message sends the recipient a private message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive; not viewable by the public. (example. D i like turnip.)
-RT = identifies your tweet as a "re-broadcast" of a message posted by someone else; identify the poster using the "@" symbol (example. RT @meandthemachine We're releasing a ton of great music in 2009!!)

Ways for Artists to gain value from Twitter:
-Form meaningful/personal relationships w/ fans
-Alert fans to upcoming shows (automate via ArtistData)
-If you're touring, use it as a tour dairy (especially if you're not traveling w/ laptop; txt via your cell phone)
-Use it to announce "unannounced" shows (webcast a show/rehearsal, house party)
-Give away music (consider varying lengths of time for the giveaway (1 day, 1 wk., forever, etc)
-It's important to be interesting!! Talk about more than just your band!!
-Use Twitter to update your Facebook status
-Use Twitter Widgets on your MySpace page, blog, website, etc. to heighten awareness of your twitter presence

Building Your Following:
-Artists can conduct searches on their name and follow people that mention them
-If no one is mentioning your band, why might that be?
-If you follow someone, be engaging when possible. Care about what others are saying and respond as if you were sitting at a table with them.

Things to Avoid:
-Using Twitter solely as a sales tool
-Over tweeting and RTing too much

Very Important Twitter Tools:
-Music Sharing:
-File Sharing:
-URL Shortener:
-Desktop Application: Nambu for Mac
-iPhone Application: Tweetie (iTunes App Store)

There is no substitute for being kind, making great records and playing live. Twitter will only augment the aforementioned.
Follow us on Twitter @meandthemachine

A new way to get Me and the Machine music!

Well good morning lovelies!

We would like to share our excitement about a new place you can find Me and the Machine artists on the widest of world webs! The website is called Think Indie and is full of great independent labels and artists like us, so check it out and support the little guys.

:: Me and the Machine on Think Indie ::