It's the moment we've all been waiting for. Well it's really the moment we all forgot about but now that it's here, all is right with the world. I'm talking about today's release of Brad Sweizter's podcast for the Nashville Feed . Let me tell you something folks... this is a special performance. There are a few previews from Brad's next record (release date and title to be announced soon) and it truly showcases Brad's talent in a way that has never before been captured on whatever the hell medium captured said performance. As a matter of fact, we also have video from this evening that we'll be synching up with this audio in a short time.
On top of this uncontrollably great news, Josh's podcast has been fixed and that too is now available. It's like x-mas in July which by all accounts is the worst marketing ploy in history. It's like having two separate Valentine's Days. Utterly useless unless your a girl. Yes, I just crossed that line. Goodbye line. If you want to just subscribe via iTunes, click here you sexy thang.
New Feature on the MATM Blog
So like I said in my first post, I'm going to also do my best to pose questions about some of the things I find on the web that may or may not be useful in a music business setting. For instance, there is now a box to the right of this post with text embodied within it. The current top story is "Swaptree to Finally Launch Next Week". I'm just using this post as an example. Basically, if you click on that link and read the post, you'll learn about this new site called Swaptree which apparently is a platform by which two people can swap items. Strange but ok. The question is: How could a barter system like this be useful to musicians? Maybe it can't be useful at all but maybe it's a potential way for bands to tour with one another or cover one another's songs?
Ok, that's just one example. The sites listed and the questions asked about them will more than likely be based more or less around music-centric sites. But who knows? Music is really a part of our everyday lives more than any of us actually realize so I'm willing to bet that unlikely opportunities will present themselves in sites that we least expect. I guess we'll see...
Ok, that's just one example. The sites listed and the questions asked about them will more than likely be based more or less around music-centric sites. But who knows? Music is really a part of our everyday lives more than any of us actually realize so I'm willing to bet that unlikely opportunities will present themselves in sites that we least expect. I guess we'll see...
Tips on productive posting...
Yeah, I've really got to stop posting late at night. Schedule changes seem to be a common theme in my life as of late. I'm just cursed with an inability to sleep. It runs in the family.
Regardless, Andrew stopped by this evening with his friend Alex and we drank wine and waxed philosophical (and practical) about the music business and Andrew's upcoming release. His record is so good it scares me a bit. The label is incredibly fortunate to have such a wealth of talent on all fronts. From the artists to the folks that are helping to put all the career shaping pieces together; we are every lucky to be traveling down a road of integrity when the industry as a whole has been stretched way too far in the opposite direction. I read recently that iTunes is now the number 3 musical retail outlet behind Walmart and Best Buy. If that doesn't grab you by the ears and scream in your face that something is drastically wrong with the way things have been going from a music business standpoint in recent years then I don't know what will.
And please don't get me wrong. That's not to say that iTunes is bad. Not at all. Without them to provide the ultimate mechanism for instant musical gratification, the number 3 outlet may very well be the Home Shopping Network... Hell, it might be in the top 10 anyway!!! Further, labels like Me and the Machine wouldn't have the distribution reach that we currently enjoy. Wow. Ranting a bit this evening. Must have been the wine...
Tomorrow will more than likely bring the re-tracking of vocals for my new tune and a deep investigation into the bass lines on material courtesy of The New Whole Usuals. I've agreed to poke a sharp stick in or around the bass parts in an attempt to learn them. It has been many years since I've even thought about using that part of my brain. Oh, it won't be that bad. It's probably like riding a bike. Of course, the bike in my case has a rusty chain and no handlebars...haha.
Ok, it's tomorrow. Time to sleep. JP
Regardless, Andrew stopped by this evening with his friend Alex and we drank wine and waxed philosophical (and practical) about the music business and Andrew's upcoming release. His record is so good it scares me a bit. The label is incredibly fortunate to have such a wealth of talent on all fronts. From the artists to the folks that are helping to put all the career shaping pieces together; we are every lucky to be traveling down a road of integrity when the industry as a whole has been stretched way too far in the opposite direction. I read recently that iTunes is now the number 3 musical retail outlet behind Walmart and Best Buy. If that doesn't grab you by the ears and scream in your face that something is drastically wrong with the way things have been going from a music business standpoint in recent years then I don't know what will.
And please don't get me wrong. That's not to say that iTunes is bad. Not at all. Without them to provide the ultimate mechanism for instant musical gratification, the number 3 outlet may very well be the Home Shopping Network... Hell, it might be in the top 10 anyway!!! Further, labels like Me and the Machine wouldn't have the distribution reach that we currently enjoy. Wow. Ranting a bit this evening. Must have been the wine...
Tomorrow will more than likely bring the re-tracking of vocals for my new tune and a deep investigation into the bass lines on material courtesy of The New Whole Usuals. I've agreed to poke a sharp stick in or around the bass parts in an attempt to learn them. It has been many years since I've even thought about using that part of my brain. Oh, it won't be that bad. It's probably like riding a bike. Of course, the bike in my case has a rusty chain and no handlebars...haha.
Ok, it's tomorrow. Time to sleep. JP
I can barely hear anything.
Ok, that's a bit dramatic but somewhat true. I've been in the studio all weekend and it's been really incredible. I almost finished an entire record with Mike Farley. It's about 11 of Farley's tunes recorded acoustically. I love making records. It's a really great learning experience and the process helps me to listen to thing a bit differently. We recorded guitars and lead vocals on Saturday and did extra guitars and backing vocals today. Everything was chugging along swimmingly until the power went out this afternoon when we had just started doing backing vocals on one of the tunes. The computer shut off and when I rebooted it and reopened the track and all of the sound waves in the editing window disappeared. I tried to re-import the .aif files and then Pro Tools wouldn't allow me to save anything. So in the middle of the afternoon I un-installed and then re-installed Pro Tools on my computer. That worked!! This probably sounds boring as shit to many of you and for that I am sorry but it's hard to explain the happiness that washed over me when I realized that my computer didn't die. Indescribable joy.
So yeah, we tracked a bit more and we called it a day. I sent the tracks off and now we'll listen to it for a bit and crank out final edits next weekend. Good times.
So, I was mulling around a bit after I bounced the tracks down and decided to record a new song that I wrote a few weeks ago called "501". I'm really pretty happy with it. The drums sound great and the mix seems really rich and full. I'm sure tomorrow when my ears have rested, I'll probably have to remix the whole thing (I'm probably going to redo the vocals anyway so it's no big deal). Regardless, it's pretty cool and I'm starting to compile a list of songs for my next record.
The week to come will be busy!! If I'm going to make it through, I've really got to crash out.
So yeah, we tracked a bit more and we called it a day. I sent the tracks off and now we'll listen to it for a bit and crank out final edits next weekend. Good times.
So, I was mulling around a bit after I bounced the tracks down and decided to record a new song that I wrote a few weeks ago called "501". I'm really pretty happy with it. The drums sound great and the mix seems really rich and full. I'm sure tomorrow when my ears have rested, I'll probably have to remix the whole thing (I'm probably going to redo the vocals anyway so it's no big deal). Regardless, it's pretty cool and I'm starting to compile a list of songs for my next record.
The week to come will be busy!! If I'm going to make it through, I've really got to crash out.
It makes sense to start here...
so here's where I'll start. I've been pondering this for a very long time and pondering will only take you so far. It's time to put these thoughts down to not only sort them out but to also helpfully tell a story. This blog has been used for news and other bits but only as informal posts. My goal with this blog is to really tell the story of the label from both an artist and an owner standpoint and keep everyone (including myself) up to date with all that is happening with our musical experiment on all fronts. If we license a track or sign a new band or get a great little bit of press somewhere, I want to share this experience from all points with you - to enjoy not only the music but to also share in the experience and journey as we build this little label and make these songs our best friends. It might be completely foolish but what better time than now to tell the story of an upstart indie record label in a time when the industry is completely falling to shit? I mean it's completely falling apart and no one can figure out how to keep the sky strung up. It's a brilliant and exciting time to actually care about music and artists. I know this all sounds a bit presumptuous but let's see where it goes. If you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to post them and I'll do my best to respond. Ok, now that we're all here, stay tuned and thanks for sharing.
Josh Preston
Josh Preston
Ok. So we re a little slow on the upswing, but our friends at music blog Berkeley Place gave us some props, specifically gave Nick Shelton props last week and we wanted to share. This is some funny poop. Nick is their official soundtrack to this pic.
Chipmunk recreation
And while we were reading back through the blog, we found this little big shout out to Brad! Who's that at number 5?
Chipmunk recreation
And while we were reading back through the blog, we found this little big shout out to Brad! Who's that at number 5?
Summer is in full swing and the MATM crew is hard at work. We're out on the road quite a bit in the coming months, and hope we will get to see you! Keep checking back cause there is even more to see!
It's the moment we've all been waiting for. Well it's really the moment we all forgot about but now that it's here, all is right with the world. I'm talking about today's release of Brad Sweizter's podcast for the Nashville Feed. Let me tell you something folks... this is a special performance. There are a few previews from Brad's next record (release date and title to be announced soon) and it truly showcases Brad's talent in a way that has never before been captured on whatever the hell medium captured said performance. As a matter of fact, we also have video from this evening that we'll be synching up with this audio in a short time.
On top of this uncontrollably great news, Josh's podcast has been fixed and that too is now available. It's like x-mas in July which by all accounts is the worst marketing ploy in history. It's like having two separate Valentine's Days. Utterly useless unless your a girl. Yes, I just crossed that line. Goodbye line. If you want to just subscribe via iTunes, click here you sexy thang.
On top of this uncontrollably great news, Josh's podcast has been fixed and that too is now available. It's like x-mas in July which by all accounts is the worst marketing ploy in history. It's like having two separate Valentine's Days. Utterly useless unless your a girl. Yes, I just crossed that line. Goodbye line. If you want to just subscribe via iTunes, click here you sexy thang.
MATM News - 06.01.07
You will never guess what we did this week. Ok, maybe you will. In fact, if you don't get it, we might have to question your overall intellectual capacity. Now, that is just not nice.
This week we redesigned the Me and the Machine site! All the same goodness you have come to love, with a little easier navigation. You can now listen to any song from our entire catalog using the new radio player on the right. Click around and enjoy!

This week we redesigned the Me and the Machine site! All the same goodness you have come to love, with a little easier navigation. You can now listen to any song from our entire catalog using the new radio player on the right. Click around and enjoy!

You will never guess what we did this week. Ok, maybe you will. In fact, if you don't get it, we might have to question your overall intellectual capacity. Now, that is just not nice.
This week we redesigned the Me and the Machine site! All the same goodness you have come to love, with a little easier navigation. You can now listen to any song from our entire catalog using the new radio player on the right. Click around and enjoy!
This week we redesigned the Me and the Machine site! All the same goodness you have come to love, with a little easier navigation. You can now listen to any song from our entire catalog using the new radio player on the right. Click around and enjoy!
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