From the Vault: Adam Burrows, Sleeveless Meeks & Josh Preston on WRFL

On March 12, 2010, Adam Burrows, Joel Meeks p/k/a Sleeveless Meeks and Josh Preston performed at Southgate House in Newport, KY and on the way, they stopped by WRFL Radio Free Lexington to chat with James Brown, play some tunes, and spin some records by other Me and the Machine artists.

Adam Burrows, Sleeveless Meeks and Josh Preston play WRFL Radio Free Lexington (mp3 - 112.6 MB)

Adam Burrows - "Coffee In The Morning" (Live)
Josh Preston - "Temptation" (Live)
Sleeveless Meeks - "Up My Sleeves" (Live)
Sleeveless Meeks & The Right to Bare Arms - "Feeling Fine" (from their s/t album)
Josh Preston - "Etchings" (from Exit Sounds)
Adam Burrows - "Tall Tale Tuesday" (Live)
Josh Preston - "Our Ghosts" (Live)
Sleeveless Meeks - "Romulous Wayne" (Live)
Adam Burrows - "Girl Who Cries" (from Never One For Silence)
The New Whole Usuals - "Wake Up" (from Martin Moeh)
Sleeveless Meeks & The Right to Bare Arms - "Bored" (from their s/t album)
Stillhouse Hollow - "Miss Meg" (from Dakota)