In Preparation For The Apocalypse, The New Whole Usuals Release "A Swiftly Tilting Planet"

"A Swiftly Tilting Planet" , the premiere single/movement from The New Whole Usuals' forthcoming release Every New Whole Usual Will Die unleashes an unpredictable symphony constructed on traditional instrumentation (horns, brass, strings, vocal choir) and a combination of never before conceived, hand-made percussion instruments. Andrew Dolfie, the mischievous maestro behind The New Whole Usuals, ties these unlikely elements together with acrobatic yet cohesive piano lines and sparse, poignant vocals. The result is a playful fight song of human triumph. "A Swiftly Tilting Planet" will be officially released TONIGHT (10/18) at midnight CST on thenewwholeusuals.com.

The full length album, Every New Whole Usual Will Die, featuring a combination of 32 musicians and narrators, will be released worldwide via Me and the Machine Records on January 5th, 2010. To prepare yourself, follow the minute-by-minute Apocalypse Update on thenewwholeusuals.com.
For the highest quality listening experience possible, we strongly encourage reposting and sharing this promotional single via the Bandcamp distribution platform.
:: Download "A Swiftly Tilting Planet" ::
:: Visit The New Whole Usuals' Website ::
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For any additional information, contact Josh Preston at Me and the Machine Records (josh(at)meandthemachine(dot)com).
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