The Young Sophisticates - Feel So Good from meandthemachine on Vimeo.
This week's masterpiece comes from Me and the Machine troubadours The Young Sophisticates. It was recorded live at The Basement in Nashville when they opened for Tyler Ramsey of Band of Horses. There is so much energy coming from the stage during this performance it violates rules set forth on such matters by the FCC.
Without giving away any of the plot, here's a brief recap of what happens in the video:
-Dave's glasses fly off halfway through the tune cause he's rocking the f#ck out.
-In the last chorus, Brad screams like someone stepped on his nuts and it is one of the most magnificent sounds I've ever heard.
-On the last note of Cyrus' solo, he lifts his guitar in such a poetically triumphant manner, I nearly shed a tear during each viewing.
-Grace throws her hair about in time with the bowing of her violin and simultaneously makes every man that views this video unspeakably smitten.
Their new record is being finalized now and will be out in short order. Shhhh.