In anticipation of the release of Josh Preston's new album Exit Sounds on May 13th, Josh has recorded an EP entitled The Complex Wooden Heart containing acoustic versions of two tracks featured on Exit Sounds: "Safety Feels The Exit" and "Temptation". Josh has also included a re-recorded version of the song "We Are Alone" from his first release Between Memory and Mortality and an acoustic version of "Simpler" which was also featured on his first album. This new EP can be downloaded in part or in full using the links below and it can also be found on his myspace page. Also on Josh's myspace page, there's a widget that you can share with your friends and stream Exit Sounds before you can buy it! In the meantime, enjoy this EP!
(If you're a music blog author and would like to offer this music to your readers, please feel free to link back to these files and this post.)
Right-click on the links below and "Save As".
Josh Preston - Safety Feels The Exit-Acoustic (256kbps MP3, 7.9 mb)
Josh Preston - Temptation-Acoustic (256kbps MP3, 8.6 mb)
Josh Preston - We Are Alone-Acoustic (256kbps MP3, 9.4 mb)
Josh Preston - Simpler-Acoustic (256kbps MP3, 8.6 mb)
Josh Preston - The Complex Wooden Heart EP (.zip file, 35 mb)