
Wow. It's been a lively 24 hours. We pulled into Huntington around midnight or so I guess. The roads were really starting to get slick but we avoided the bulk of the snow. Ok, boring. Moving on.
Before we left Nashville, Bean and I bought zero-degree sleeping bags for our trip. Very brave and rustic and whatnot, I know. We had this romanticized picture of the trip in our minds of maybe sleeping in the car in a Walmart parking lot and just being hippies and subsist on the granola we bought at Target. Real American Pioneers.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that that probably wouldn't work out given we are in a Toyota. We clearly mismanaged the leg room situation and the sever lack of television. We really gave it a shot though. We managed to find a Walmart after Willis (our GPS thingy) struck out on the first set of directions we plugged in. We got into our sleeping bags and tried like hell to sleep but it simply wasn't happening. Around 2am we peeled our sleeping bags off and hit the Quality Inn down the street which was across the street from two gentlemen's clubs. I had no idea the demand was that high in this down economy.
Let's just say the the word "Quality" in Quality Inn at this particular franchise was nothing short of completely misleading. We ate our vitamins, caught a little Law & Order and slept in our clothes.
Ok, show one is done and we're off to see the town. Thanks to the folks that hung out and listened and we'll see ya in a few hours at Shamrock's Pub up the street.